Thiemo Bolder Apps

Artificial Defense 1.1.0
Thiemo Bolder
Languages:English (I am working on more languages for you guys)Device Compatibility:Best on tablets, but phones work too of course. If you encounterany issues, please use the in-app feedback system, so that I canhelp you out. There are more than 10,000 different devices, sothere might be some of them, which have issues with this earlyversion of the game. I am constantly working on a better version ofArtificial Defense for you guys. Thank you very much.Artificial Defense is a one man made, real time strategyorbital-shooter game in an artificial, virtual reality setting. Youare the machine, a mighty computer-system defending its serversagainst swarms of intruding creeps.Short Action descriptionFiring off miniguns, launching Hellfire missiles, droppingincinerating Hades-Bombs and colossal asteroids, deploying mightyrailgun and acid towers and spawning your own Intrusion CounterMeasures (ICMs) to reconquer corrupted databases and firewalls arejust some of the actions players can take while fending off thecreeps. Earn RAM and upgrade your arsenal and hardware-level. Startas an analog punch-tape system and evolve into a quantum A.I.mainframe.Artificial Defense has 3 major game mechanics1. OffenseThere are 21 offensive weapons available, reaching from outdatedflintlocks, over maverick-missiles to devastating meteors andneutron-bombs. You can switch between three pre-loaded weaponcategories and launch the installed weapons every few seconds. Eachround you fire costs you RAM and each weapon type has its ownunique cooldown so you must choose wisely and adapt quickly todifferent situations. But beware, aiming requires some skill.Creeps are moving targets and your projectiles need some flighttime before impact. You can unlock and install new weapons in theuplab.2. DefenseThere are 21 defense towers available, reaching frompistol-sentry-towers, over incinerating flame-throwers to powerfullong-range railgun towers. In addition there are 7 productiontowers which produce your main resource: RAM (Random AccessMemory). Yes, building up a small RAM economy is very important, inorder to keep your system routines running. Towers must be deployedby an expensive capsule drop and you have to find the sweet spotbetween the right amount of resource production towers and theperformance of your defense perimeter. You can unlock and installnew tower versions in the uplab.3. ConquerSpawn Intrusion Counter Measures (ICMs) in order to conquercorrupted system-structures like databases, honeypots andfirewalls. Databases e.g. spawn datablips, which carry valuabledata and head for your backup-devices. Every datablip successfullyarriving at its destination releases a certain amount of RAM, soyou should do your best to protect those important but vulnerableconvoys.More detailsRAMThere is only one single resource in Artificial Defense called RAM.It is used during the defense gameplay to pay for your actions andafter shutdown to upgrade your arsenal in the uplab menuscreen.UpgradingAfter you initialize a system shutdown you will be redirected tothe score board. You will be rewarded with a certain amount of RAMbased on your performance, which you can use in the uplab toupgrade your offense, defense or hardware level. There are 49individual upgrades by the way, so you should be busy for sometime.HardwareApart from the offense and defense equipment you can upgrade yourhardware level, which determines your initial system integrity(health) and your ICM capabilities. You start as a punch-tapemachine and need to invest RAM to evolve into more powerful systemslike: tube computer, microchip system, quantum computer, molecularcomputer, A.I. mainframeAdditionally every hardware level grants access to a new andvery useful special action like: zoom (deep-profile), fast-forward(overclocking), tower-delete (re-write), regeneration (restore),etc.